Terms of Service

Last Updated: 9/7/2023

Welcome to WebDevCreator.com! These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of our website and services. By accessing, using our website, or making any purchase towards WebDevCreator, you agree to be bound by these Terms. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITE OR SERVICES.



  • “WebDevCreator.com,” “we,” “our,” or “us” refers to WebDevCreator LLC, the owner and operator of this website.
  • “Services” refer to the website development services provided by WebDevCreator.com, including but not limited to website design, development, and related services.
  • “Good cause” refers to a reason for us to take or refuse to take a particular action. It is considered “good cause” if it is related to explicit content, copyrighted material, hateful content, or any other thing, idea, or action that a reasonable person would avoid in our situation – including acting against our own terms of service and private policy.
  • “Active service” is any service we provide that requires applied effort to accomplish. This includes, but is not limited to: contacting you, responding to you, meeting you (digitally or in person), designing your website, developing your website, updating your website, or maintaining your website. 

General Service Description

WebDevCreator.com offers website development services for individuals and small businesses. We use various tools, including WordPress, raw code, and Carrd, to build custom websites for our clients.

For any of our service plans-Personal, Business, or Enterprise-we are willing to provide a “Privacy Policy” outline upon request but will not provide any form of “Terms of Service” or “Terms and Conditions”. If required, you will be expected to come up with your own “Terms of Service” for your website. 

For any of our service plans-Personal, Business, or Enterprise-our Annual Domain and Hosting fee is $20 so long as the domain chosen is $13 (in accordance with HostGator). For every cent ($0.01) that the domain exceeds the $13 limit, your Annual Domain and Hosting fee will go up by one cent ($0.01).

Personal Information

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy (visit https://webdevcreator.com/privacy-policy to view).

Payment Processing

We use Stripe as our payment gateway to handle purchases made on our website. By making a purchase through WebDevCreator.com, you agree to Stripe’s terms and conditions.

Website Content

(a) User Content: Any content you provide to us, including text, images, and other media, remains your responsibility. You grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, display, reproduce, and distribute your content solely for the purpose of providing the Services.

(b) Intellectual Property: We respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect our users to do the same. You may not use any copyrighted material or trademarks without obtaining the necessary permissions. We will not be responsible for checking the copyright or trademark status of any provided material.

Personal Plan

Our Personal Plan is a service that we offer to you and is catered towards personal websites. In it, we offer custom design of a website within the following context:

  • 2 pages at most
  • text, images, videos, and other basic content (optional)
  • contact form (optional)
  • responsive website (optional)

We also offer text and call support in case of any problem that needs addressing. (You can contact us for changes to your website through our other services.)

Any item or service not mentioned above will not be considered contained within our Personal Plan.


Annual Domain and Hosting: $20 (recurring)

Website Development Build: $500

Website Update Rate (optional): $30/hr (minimum $15)

Website Editing Abilities: $50/annually (optional and recurring) 

(The above prices are not final/absolute and are subject to change at our discretion, even without update to our Terms of Service!)

Business Plan

Our Business Plan is a service that we offer to you and is catered to address the needs of small businesses. In it, we offer custom design of a website within the following context:

  • 8 pages at most (not included Stripe related pages)
  • text, images, videos, and other basic content (optional)
  • SEO features (optional)
  • contact form (optional)
  • responsive website (optional)
  • reviews (optional)
  • Stripe purchasing (optional)
  • calendar scheduling (optional)

We also offer text and call support in case of any problem that needs addressing. (You can contact us for changes to your website through our other services.) 

We charge half up front and once your website is finalized, we will continue free maintenance for the following month then bill you the rest. If you are not 100% satisfied or have not received at least 100 unique views in the free maintenance month, you will not be billed.

Any item or service not mentioned above will not be considered contained within our Business Plan.


Annual Domain and Hosting: $20 (recurring)

Website Development Build: $3,000

Website Update Rate (optional): $30/hr (minimum $15)

Website Editing Abilities: $100/annually (optional and recurring)

(The above prices are not final/absolute and are subject to change at our discretion, even without update to our Terms of Service!)

Enterprise Plan

Our Enterprise Plan is a service that we offer to you and is designed to fit your exact needs, given that our Personal Plan and Business Plan do not fit your needs. In it, we offer custom design of a website within the following context:

  • Unlimited pages
  • text, images, videos, and other basic content. (optional)
  • contact form (optional)
  • responsive website (optional)
  • reviews (optional)
  • Stripe purchasing (optional)
  • calendar scheduling (optional)
  • account login (optional)
  • shipping labels (optional)
  • blogging (optional)
  • and more (at our discretion) 

We also offer text and call support in case of any problem that needs addressing. (You can contact us for changes to your website through our other services.)

This is the ONLY plan where we offer your website to be designed with handwritten code so that we can make your website as dynamic as possible.


Annual Domain and Hosting: $20 (recurring)

Website Development Build: customized price

Website Update Rate (optional): $60/hr (minimum $30)

Website Editing Abilities: $100/annually (optional and recurring)

(The above prices are not final/absolute and are subject to change at our discretion, even without update to our Terms of Service!)

Cancelation Policy

(a) Annual Domain and Hosting Fee: To cancel your annual Domain and Hosting, please reach out to us at least 30 days prior to the expected recurring charge.

(b) Website Development: To stop the completion, publication, or continued work on your website, contact us via email or phone as soon as possible. 

(d) Website Updating Work: To cancel any updating work you requested to be done to your website, please contact us as soon as possible. You are to be expected to pay half the rate for the time we worked on your website. 


Refund Policy

(a) Annual Domain and Hosting Fee:

  1. Website Development Cancelation: In the scenario where you paid for our Annual Domain and Hosting Fee and cancel your website development (see Terms of Service Cancelation Policy (b) “Website Development”), no refund will be given.
  2. Cancelling Annual Domain and Hosting Fee: If the cancelation of your Domain and Hosting Fee does not fall within our policy (see Terms of Service Cancelation Policy) no refund will be provided. 
  3. All other cases brought to us will be handled at our discretion.

(b) Website Development Fee:

  1. Website Development Cancelation: In the scenario where you have paid for your website to be built and decide not to have your website completed, published, or continued, you may contact us and request a partial or full refund. In this situation, no refund of any amount is guaranteed.
  2. Website Incompletion (a): In the scenario where you have paid for your website to be developed AND it is blatantly obvious that the website is incomplete AND we refuse to continue to develop your website without good cause, you will be provided a full refund. Whether or not the website is “incomplete” and whether or not it is “blatantly obvious” that the website is incomplete is at our discretion.
  3. Website Incompletion (b): In the scenario where you have paid for your website to be developed and it is not blatantly obvious that the website is incomplete or if you request an expansion of the website that exceeds the plan purchased or, in the case of Enterprise Plan, that exceeds the agreed upon work from the design meeting, no refund will be given. The following is left to our discretion to determine the truth of the matter: website is “incomplete”,  “blatantly obvious” that the website is incomplete, exceeds the purchased plan, and exceeds the agreed upon work from the design meeting. (In the case where the website expansion exceeds the agreed upon work at the design meeting for the Enterprise Plan, renegotiation of pricing may occur.)
  4. Website Incompletion (c): In the scenario where you have paid for your website to be developed and you continuously fail to provide us with necessary content for the completion of the website, no refund will be given upon request. Should a significant amount of time pass, a month or more, before you give us the necessary content for the completion of the website, we may refuse to complete the website and no refund will be given.
  5. All other cases brought to us will be handled at our discretion.

(d) All other cases brought to us will be handled at our discretion.

Right of Refusal

We reserve the right to refuse active service to anyone. We may or may not inform you of our reason why we refused active service to you. 

In case we refuse any of our services to you, and you already paid money towards a service, our Refund Policy (found within our Terms of Service) still applies. Just because we refused service to you does not mean it was in “good cause”. 

Limitations and Liability

(a) We strive to provide accurate and reliable services. However, we do not guarantee that our services will be error-free or uninterrupted. We shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use our website or services.

(b) Our liability, and the liability of our affiliates, employees, or contractors, shall be limited to the extent permitted by law. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to third-party websites or services. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these third-party websites. Visiting these links is at your own risk, and we recommend reviewing their terms of service and privacy policies.

Modifications to the Terms

We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms at any time. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised Terms on our website. Your continued use of our website or services after any such modifications will constitute your agreement to the updated Terms.


We may terminate or suspend your access to our website and services, with or without notice, for ANY REASON. We may or may not inform you of the reason for termination. In the case where we cease to support your website, you may be informed of this change.

Merger or Acquisition

In the event that WebDevCreator LLC undergoes a merger, acquisition, or change of ownership, your personal information and data may be transferred to the acquiring entity as part of the transaction. By using our website and services, you acknowledge and consent to such transfer of your information. If there is a change in ownership, the acquiring entity will assume the rights and obligations set forth in these Terms regarding the use of your personal information.

However, the acquiring entity will also have the right to modify or update these Terms as they see fit. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of change in ownership. From that point on, any changes, updates, and/or notifications to all affected past/current customers will be handled by the new owners.

In the event of a merger, acquisition, or change of ownership, WebDevCreator LLC shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the transfer of your information to the acquiring entity.

Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of PA law, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms or our services, you may contact us at pjudge.webdevcreator@gmail.com or at our website here (https://webdevcreator.com/contact).